

Submit an application to host a Youth @ the Table participant interest in learning more about your work. Your board will identify a mentor who will involve and support the participant in understanding nonprofit governance to provide youth perspectives on outreach, operations, and strategic directions.

This partnership will help improve your capacity to engage young people and strengthen your nonprofit’s future leadership. We will provide you with resources that will guide you in an establishing a sustainable plan for youth engagement.

This your chance to equip the next generation of nonprofit leaders with the skills and knowledge required to move the sector forward! 

Applications are currently closed.

Are you between the ages of 18 and 30? Are you interested in exploring leadership in the nonprofit sector?

Youth @ the Table is now recruiting for the 2022 – 2023 cohort! As a participant, you will sit at a nonprofit decision-making table such as board, committee, or council. You will work directly with nonprofit leaders to make space for more young people to lead the sector into the future. 

You will also collaborate with other young people in your community to advise nonprofits to be more youth-friendly and include younger voice in their work. If selected, you will be matched with a nonprofit board mentor based on where you live and the social issues you care about. 

This is the change to have a seat the table and champion the voice and priorities of young people! 

Applications are currently closed.
